Thursday, December 26, 2019
Why Kings Letter from a Birmingham Jail Resounds...
Standing the Test of Time: Why Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail Resounds Throughout American History Dr. Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail is a direct response to A Call for Unity, a letter penned by eight Alabama clergymen including one rabbi. In A Call for Unity, the eight clergymen decry the peaceful protests organized by Dr. King and his fellow civil rights activists. The clergymen claim that the protests are unwise and untimely. In his response written from jail, Dr. King outlines all the reasons why the peaceful protests are both wise and timely, for, in his words, we have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God given rights. There is a clear reason why Dr. Kings legacy remains strong, whereas the clergymens misguided letter has fallen into historys dustbin. Because King writes with skillful logic, appeals to his readers ethics, and proves his credibility as a political leader, Letter from Birmingham Jail is a more effective argument. King writes with a deft sense of logic and organization, which distinguishes him from his fellow clergymen. The letter from the clergymen is shorter than the King letter, showing that the clergymen seemed not to take the time to back up their statements. Twice, the clergymen state that the African-American community should use the judicial system to air grievances rather than use the Constitutionally protected right to organize peaceful political demonstrations. For example, in
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis Of The Movie Bill Mcmahon - 2066 Words
Summary and main characters The main characters in the movie are Bill McMahon, Nick Campbell , whilst there are a few other characters that play a significant role such as Stuart, Neha and Mr Chetty. The story is about two friends who have lost their jobs as salesmen and are looking for other jobs, they aren’t very skilled or intellectual but they have very good people skills. They get the opportunity to apply for an Internship at Google, one of the most technologically advanced work places, yet they aren’t tech savvy at all. They form a team and bring a bunch of individuals who would otherwise have no chance, together . They compete in a series of challenges to win an opportunity to be an intern at Google. Throughout the story we see how the team unites and wins the challenges. Bill loses a challenge for his team and decides to leave but Nick is able to convince him to come back, and eventually against all odds they win the internship. Setting The movie is set in the Google headquarters, it is an extremely modern work environment, it is not your normal conventional workplace and because of this it allows for creative thinking. The workplace allows the workers to be themselves and this promotes individuality and this is what Google is about. The setting shows how quickly buisnesses have progressed and Google is a prime example of this, by keeping up with current trends they have made themselves more appealing. Nick and Bill are both shocked with the environment that theyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Framing the User: Social Constructions of Marijuana Users9798 Words  | 40 PagesNever in history have so many mothers been ax-murdered, so many virgins lured into white slavery, so many siblings decapitated, as in the heyday of Anslingers anti-marijuana campaign. The spirit of the era was most perfectly captured in the 1936 movie classic Reefer Madness, in which casual marijuana use was shown to lead swiftly to murder, rape, pro stitution, addiction, madness, and death (1981:5051). Marijuana was a good target because it was believed that its use was largely confined to immigrantsRead MoreBusiness Journalism in India26104 Words  | 105 Pagesimportant than ever for business journalists to pull it all together, to provide the insight and understanding in the best days, the wisdom, that will be necessary. The world doesn’t need more information. It needs more understanding, more insight, more analysis. What is the Finance Commission? The Finance Commission is constituted by the President under article 280 of the Constitution, mainly to give its recommendations on distribution of tax revenues between the Union and the States and amongstRead MoreStarbucks Corporation12076 Words  | 49 Pagesorganizations like the WTO, World Bank, and IMF of promoting corporate globalization by supporting trade liberalization, by promoting export-based economic development, and by facilitating foreign direct investment. According to an organization that bills itself as Mobilization for Global Justice: Most of the world s mo st impoverished countries have suffered under IMF/World Bank programs for two decades: they ve seen debt levels rise, unemployment skyrocket, poverty increase, and environments devastatedRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesof systematic study. Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB. Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB. Identify the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying OB concepts. Compare the three levels of analysis in this book’s OB model. MyManagementLab Access a host of interactive learning aids to help strengthen your understanding of the chapter concepts at cott Nicholson sits alone in his parents’ house in suburban Boston
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Provided In Second Part Of The Assignment â€Myassignmentghelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Provided In Second Part Of The Assignment? Answer: Introducation The assignment is based on a case study of Executive MBA program. The purpose of the assignment is to analyze the case and point out three key issues in the case study. Significant recommendations related to the issues are provided in the second part of the assignment. The final part of the memo is comprised of the proposal of two important factors that needs consideration for a team-based activity in educational system. Key Issues Identification First and foremost issue that can be identified from the case study is the short period for getting along with the team members. As they reside in different parts of the country, it is impossible for them to conduct any meeting physically. Hence, they required a longer time to discuss the project and socialize. A second important issue in the team is the diversified professional operating in different parts of the country. Though some of them live in the same country, it is near to impossible for them to conduct a physical meeting as they have different travel schedule for the purpose of work. Hence, the virtual meeting is the only option lies in front of them which is a major issue in this case. Last but not the least, the third key issue that is communication and work sharing. It can be a problem for them to share and keep track of the progress of the project. There can be various ways of tracking and sharing progress, but one of the team members have to put extra effort for the fulfillment of the purpose. Recommendation The tools and services used for the purpose of virtual communication that are summarized under exhibit 3 widely differ from the tools and services of exhibit 4. The tools of the exhibit 3 are the synchronous communication tools that are used for real time communication between two or more people. The definition of the synchronized communication states that, it is a term used in the field of communication between multiple persons that take place simultaneous and the people are able to respond without any time delay. Face-to-face video call, phone call and real time 3-D collaboration and many more falls under the synchronized communication tool. This type of communication tools are used to conduct meeting when the participants are incapable for conducting it physically (VanDoorn and Eklund 2013). On the other hand, asynchronous communication refers to the exchange of text messages on sever service providing tools. Text message can also be considered as a asynchronous communication tool s. Some of the popular asynchronous tools are highlighted in the exhibit 4. These tools are used it data sharing. The project teams use these tools to share their progress of the work especially when they are operating from a distance and cannot participate in a physical meeting (Storey and Perks 2015). Google drive is a computable tool for sharing the work progress among the team members. All they have to do is to upload the project in the drop box and share its link to the fellow team members to communicate their progress. Moreover, it is available for all every platforms. Hence, everyone can access it. The tools mentioned in the exhibit 5 are popular project management tools that are used by various organizations for the purpose of coordination of the activities of the team members. The services mentioned in the exhibit 5 are basecammp, AceProject, Mavenlink and Smartsheet. By analyzing the services on several grounds like cost of operation, team collaboration, and task management, vendor support and mobile platform, the compatibility of the adaptation is discussed below. The cost of use of the Mavenlink is considerably low than the other service operators, whereas, the team collaboration and task management capability are considered to be equal for all the operators. Vendor support of the AceProject proves to be useful as they have online help system, support ticket system and toll-free phone support to resolve any issues that can occur during the time of operation. Finally, Basecamp leads in the grounds of availability of the service. They provide their support in the entire plat form starting from iOS, Android, Windows and BlackBerry. Considering the analysis of the services mentioned in the exhibit 5, AceProject can be concluded as the best service provider in the market which can prove effective in the given scenario. It is affordable, in every ground. Important factors in team-based activity Virtual meeting and diversity are essential in the team based project in the educational system. Virtual meetings hold various disadvantages that can affect the efficiency and transparency in the team operation, but the advantages can never be overlooked. Some of them are cost effectiveness, time saving, involves the entire team from wherever they are, preservation of the materials of the meeting, and many more. Hence, it is definitely a useful way of conducting meeting that is an important factor of the team activity (Madden, Jones and Childers 2017). Diversity on the other hand can be taken under consideration as an important factor in the team activity. Though, it is always hard to manage a diverse team as the team leader has to apply different knowledge of leadership to manage the harmony and efficiency of the team. However, it can also provide various idea and approaches in a single point can be obtained that will enable the team to offer the best possible result (Guillaume et al. 2017). The above memo discusses three key issues of the given case that are diversity of the team, physical gap between the team members, and the time provided to the members to socialize as it is an important part of team management. Physical gap restrict them from conducting physical meeting. The diversity has both positive and negative impact on the team and a critical issue, if handled improperly can result into failure of the project. The impact of virtual synchronous and asynchronous communication also been discussed that analyze the proper way of utilization of the technology in the team management. The analysis report of the project management services concludes that AceProject is the best tool for the case. The usefulness of the visual meeting and diversity is also discussed in the final part of the discussion. Proper utilization of the recommended virtual communication tools will surely enable the team to achieve their desired goal. References Guillaume, Y.R., Dawson, J.F., Otaye?Ebede, L., Woods, S.A. and West, M.A., 2017. Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?.Journal of Organizational Behavior,38(2), pp.276-303. Madden, L., Jones, G. and Childers, G., 2017. Teacher Education: Modes of Communication within Asynchronous and Synchronous Communication Platforms.Journal of Classroom Interaction,52(2). Storey, C. and Perks, H., 2015. Mixing rich and asynchronous communication for new service development performance.RD Management,45(2), pp.107-125. VanDoorn, G. and Eklund, A.A., 2013. Face to Facebook: Social media and the learning and teaching potential of symmetrical, synchronous communication.Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice,10(1), p.6.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Textbrokers Guide to HTML
Textbrokers Guide to HTMLAlex from Author Services gives a good overview of basic HTML functions to make your content pop!Hello! My name is Alex, and I work with Textbroker Author Services answering technical questions and providing support to our authors among other responsibilities. Far and away the most common technical question that we receive is, How do I make a _______ in HTML? These questions are always interesting to me. Im pretty tech savvy, and I study programming and Web design as a hobby, so tech-speak and the language of the Web comes easy to me. However, most of our authors dont have a background in web coding and dont have time to learn a whole new language, so I always have to make my answers approachable even to someone who has no experience with these kinds of topics. With that in mind, I set out to create a guide that our authors could quickly reference when they had a question about HTML. I promise to not use any fancy terminology, make no fancy analogies, and tel l you in a straightforward way exactly how to do the thing youre trying to do. Just search below to find your tag, and voila easy to follow instructions! How Does HTML Work? HTML is the language of websites. Webpages appear to be clear-cut, easy to read documents, but they come in all shapes and sizes. How do you tell a webpage where an image goes? How do you tell it to make a table and put it somewhere? Well, you need a special code for it, and that code is called HTML. HTML takes a regular text document and use little codes, called tags, to paint a webpage on your screen. If you just write a website in plain text, it will show up as plain text, with no background, no bolding or italicizing, no images and no fancy fonts. Tags tell your browser to do all these things to the page and the text. A simple tag looks like this: strong Hi guys! /strong This results in: Hi guys! All tags are enclosed in little angle brackets, and . Anything inside and is read as a code, so its not displayed. That means that anything you put inside the brackets wont show up on the webpage instead, it will tell the webpage to do something. The strong tag tells the browser to start painting something. The /strong tag tells it to stop. If you dont tell it to stop, itll just keep doing it to the end of the document so, as a rule, always tell it to stop. Different tags have different effects. In this case, the strong tag makes the text bold. Most tags are an abbreviation of their effect, so strong is for bold, em is for italic, and u is for underline. Theres a full list below, so I wont go into excessive detail. You can also combine tags like this: strong em u Bold, italic and underlined all at once! /u /em /strong Bold, italic and underlined all at once! When should I use HTML? For Textbroker, the simple answer is to accommodate a clients request. Many articles written for the service will need to be tailored to the Web, so clients will often ask you to format the article a particular way and include some HTML code to make it look nice and meet their needs. Please dont include HTML when not requested to do so. Many orders arent going directly on the web! HTML isnt really used outside of the Web, so the client will need to trim out your codes or request a revision, and youll have wasted a bunch of time adding things that didnt need to be there in the first place. There are also two tags that you dont need to put in at Textbroker: p and br . These are just codes for a carriage return and a double spaced carriage return, and Textbroker does this automatically for you. Only use these at the request of a client. The Quick Reference: Below is a list of tags, sorted by what you want to do.Remove the spaces before and after the brackets to get the code to work. HTML codes should always be lower case. OK, I want to Make Text Bold: strong Place strong and /strong at the start and end of the text. Example: This text is strong BOLD! /stron g This text isBOLD! strong and /strong do the same thing as strong and /strong Textbroker Tip: Our word processor on the website has an easy button for this! Its the B button. Highlight the text and click the button to make that text bold. Make Text Italic: em Place em and /em at the start and end of the text. Example: This text is in em italics. /em This text is initalics. Textbroker Tip: Our word processor has an easy button for this! Its the I button. Highlight the text and click the button to make that text italic. Make Text Underlined: u Place u and /u at the start and end of the text. Example: This text is u underlined /u . This text isunderlined. Textbroker Tip: Our word processor has an easy button for this! Its the U button. Highlight the text and click the button to make that text underlined. Make a Header: h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , and h6 Header tags are generally used for headings and subheadings. Most clients will tell you which one to use. Th ese tags just make the text really big. H1 is the biggest and is often used for titles. H2 is the next largest and is usually used for subheadings. H3, H4, H5, and H6 may also be requested, and they are really just smaller sizes of the above. To insert a header: h1 A Tale of Two Cities /h1 This results in:A Tale of Two Cities
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